The power of positive thinking has a basis in physics. Since everything is energyand everything has a specific vibration– and like attracts like – the quality of your thoughts can’t help but attract situations with similar vibrations.
You may argue that the vibrations of your environment and circumstances affect your own vibration.
And that’s true – but only if you allow them to.
See, the high vibrations of love and happiness have far more power than the low vibrations of fear and negativity.
But since the human condition seems to be one of “seeing is believing,” we allow the “obvious” (the negativity) to dominate our thoughts… and attract more of the same.
What we don’t do, for the most part, is raise our vibration through positive thinking to the point where “believing is seeing” . This is the point where your thoughts override the negativity around you, and begin influencing your circumstances.
Profound stuff, we know!